Summer 2021
While preparing for a busy autumn, we invite you to take a look at the summer album of "Embodied Practice" activities. Our summer was filled with children's laughter, movement full of authentic masculinity, grace of sensory elastic fabrics and fun adventures at the seaside! We look forward to meeting you soon in group explorations, thematic articles and podcasts in our blogspace "The Body Speaks" and individual sessions. Follow us for news!

We visited the children's summer camp "Dzigbo". We got a little lost along the way but getting lost in a beautiful place is always fun ☺. At the camp we were greeted by one of the organisers of the camp and a co-founder of “Wade into adventure” - Mingailė, the children and the heat. What a heat it was! After refreshing ourselves, we invited children to play and try out various sensory tools. The big elastic band helped the whole group get connected and get to feel each other.

Using smaller elastic bands we explored each other’s presence, power, and looked for balance between two people. We felt how we affect each other, how we influence one another. I feel how you are moving! Do you feel how I am moving? How does it feel most pleasant for us to move together?

The kids enjoyed the sensory suits the most. A swarm of cheerful, mischievous, cheeky ghosts instantly spread throughout the camp area!

Sensory suits made their debut on Preila beach this summer. The charming colorful figures instantly attracted the attention of holidaymakers.

In July, our colleague Gediminas Kordušas led the practice of Authentic Movement for the first time exclusively for men. The social project "Tribes", bringing Lithuanian men's self-development groups together, invited him to the summer festival "Tribes Fest". "The atmosphere at the festival was really inspiring. It is a special feeling to be in such a rich company of men seeking awareness and working on personal development. I experienced a sincere interest in body awareness practices. A positive experience at the “Tribes Fest” tells me that the need for conscious movement and a qualitatively different relationship with the body among men is really present. Maybe that will inspire an Authentic Movement exploration group for men or a mixed audience?" says Gediminas.

We touched nature and the nature touched us with the amazing photographer Mingaile.